January 2020 was one to remember forever. I had just gotten promoted at work and I was in the best space I had ever been mentally. I was Single, Satisfied and Steering the wheel of my life so confidently! I sat by my window that morning, stared deeply into space, with so much gratitude in my heart. Been two years since I navigated the most difficult time of my life – My sister had just relocated to the UK with her family and I was staying with her at the time. I was broke and needed a house, lol. My bestie’s kind family took me in though as my family had moved to the outskirt of Lagos at the time and a young graduate building her life certainly needed Lagos. Oh well fast forward to 3 months later, God provided me that gainful employment for which I had just gotten promoted two years later.
Single, Satisfied and Steering the wheel of my life so confidently!
I had so much to be thankful for on this day! My mind was at its best and it reflected strongly at work. My body hadn’t felt any better as I was loving my gym intense workout routines. My man was somewhere else living his life and I wasn’t sure I was even ready to meet him as I was having a swell time being single! There was no stopping this 28 year old, self sufficient sassy girl who was living life on her terms in strong alignment with God.
At the same time, all around me were ladies whose experiences were pretty different. I saw despair, heart breaks, pressure, bruised confidence, unmet needs and scars from previous terrible decisions. I would take some time to counsel, intercede and just hope these situations improved. Women are so precious in every way, Single or married. Critical to the continuity of human race, critical to the fulfilment of God’s plan on the earth…unique, special beings indeed! Of course that explains why she goes through the most daunting experiences, why she is the target of marginalization, onslaught, the toughest of temptations, I mean the devil himself targeted her first at the garden of Eden!
Yet, she is the strongest of God’s creation with such unbelievable capacity that she isn’t even aware of except she is presented with impossible situations for which she expands and then triumphs. Through my journey which I would share in details on here, experiences from others, societal norms and expectations, I quickly learned eternal wisdom in the furnace of fire and the role of challenges in refining the woman and producing the complete and happy lady
The lady, her body, her mind and her Man was birthed out of my desire to see wholesome ladies (single or married) take life one choice at a time, make the right choices from a place of deep knowledge, own those choices in their entirety and actually unapologetically enjoy the reward of making the right choices, take responsibility for the wrong choices and hold themselves accountable for navigating the corners of the wrong choices until beauty is borne out of ashes and every wrong is made right where possible or at least wrong choices are somewhat deposed of the power to harm the mind
Stay with me as we explore the core of the lady – Her body, mind, man, to the end that she gains mastery in navigating life through and become an embodiment of proud choices per time! I am that lady, you are that lady, we all are that lady or maybe your spouse or girlfriend is that lady. I hope that lady and her (potential) man stay glued to this writing session with Ella!